The Révolution has begun!

Wow this took longer than I expected to get out. I was really hopeful that I could get this copy released by the beginning of March, but life always gets in the way. With the recent quarantine and stay at home order here in Washington, I finally had enough time to get the game in a state I was happy with sharing!

The recent world events (pandemic and what not) managed to make their way into the game in the latest playtests. I recently played a game set in the Pre-Revolution setting (1788 - The Calm Before The Storm) where the players were inciting the rebellion amidst an epidemic that was decimating the population. Thankfully this epidemic was caused by a demonic ritual gone wrong, and banishing the fiend was enough to stop the disease. If only real life was so easy! 

By purchasing the Beta version, you will automatically receive any updates through to the final release. I am happy to listen to your feedback, please send it to If you send me productive feedback you'll find your name in the back of the next version. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the game! 


Révolution - Version 0.5 3.2 MB
Mar 24, 2020

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